man, it's been a long while. I seldom come here myself. but this comes in handy from time to time when the urge to write comes and my diary's not nearby. besides, no one else reads this so it's also like writing in my diary. hahaha, i remember kiddo wanting to know my blog address. no way, jose. i like the anonymity of it all. but writing is so self-centered. i remember reading somewhere that it was st augustine who started this type of writing. i don't remember the exact word now, but you know, the type where you look into yourself and what's going in there. about the self-centered thing, is it really? just wondering coz self-knowledge is something that st teresa of avila is a big fan of. nothing wrong i think if it's not the end. the end should be Christ. in knowing oneself, it should lead you to seek Jesus.
yeah, well, i'm just writing here. i should be doing something else but i think i'm giving myself a break. tomorrow is Inner Beauty Conference here in Manila. i hope there will be lots of women who'll come. i'm in intercession so i really HOPE there are lots of women who'll come. hahaha. as if the rise and fall of this conference depends on me. well, of course, not me. it depends on the Lord. and intercession is vital. man, i'm getting reminded of gollum and smeagol. you know, split-personality type. ach, i hope i'm good and better, not bad and good. what the heck. Jesus knows me anyway and loves me the same. doesn't matter even what i think of myself, essentially. because who i am in His sight is the only thing that matters. that's why it's so important to humble yourself, 'no? because He will never cast away those who are humble and those who are brokenhearted. i can write a lot more here, given a chance. maybe i should write more often here. meandering indeed.
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